Monday, March 3, 2008

Starting out

I realized today that my kids' lives are passing me by. My Addison is 2 1/2 and my Judah is 8 1/2 months.

This past weekend was rough. Judah has a cold and was refusing to nurse. With each and every feed he would refuse to eat. I take it so personally and each time feel like our nursing relationship will end. :-(

Addison bit me! yes she did! And broke skin and left a big old bruise with 4 teeth marks. I could have killed her. She also told me yesterday that she likes Daddy and judah better. Sigh. is this what its like to parent a girl?

Had a fun Saturday though. Went to our God daughter Mishy's 3rd birthday party and had a bunch of friends over to play Wii and juimp on the mattress on the floor. Addison calls it "Aweez Mattress" because my MIL's cousin Lousise slept on it once.

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